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Jacob Deininger

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     Jacob Deininger

    Public Services Librarian



    • L-202
    • 910-362-7293 (Office)
    • 910-362-7034 (Reference Desk)
    • Email



    My Subject Guides


    Classroom & Workshop
    Teaching Experience

    • Research Tools and Strategies
    • History
    • ACA - College Student Success
    • LibGuides

    Materials Selection Areas

    • Arts & Sciences - Anthropology - Economics - History - Political Science - Psychology - Sociology
    • Children's & Young Adult Literature

    Suggested Faculty Liaison Services (but feel free to request others)

    Researching, as well as processing, your recommendations for new materials. While there are handy online request forms on our website (Request Materials) please feel free to suggest topical areas of need to me with or without specific titles. I can research the topic and provide you with a list of options from which to make your recommendations.

    Preparing customized research guides specific to your course or assignment to supplement those currently on our website.  These guides—sometimes known as libguides, or pathfinders—provide a starting place for your students who are unfamiliar with program-specific subject headings or resources, or who have never used an academic library.

    Arranging for and conducting tours and classes for your students. There are standard classes available such as navigating our online catalog, or an overview of database search strategies.  Any instruction session can be altered to better suit your topic, your assignment or your students' information literacy needs.

    Assisting you with reserving materials (Faculty Reserves Form) or preparing classroom collections either from a bibliography or from your criteria.

    "Test driving" your research assignments, allowing you to feel reassured that sufficient CFCC resources are available to allow your students to succeed.

    Alerting you when a newer database replaces an older one, or a journal changes its title or focus.  Letting you know about recently added resources that may be of particular interest.