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  • DOAJ : Directory of Open Access Journals

    Directory of Open Access Journals logo

    Aims & Scope

    The aim of the DOAJ is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals, thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. It covers all open access scientific and scholarly journals that use a quality control system to guarantee the content. It includes publications in many world languages as well as in English.

    "How-To" Video in the CFCC Library

    VIEW a CLIP (3-min.) of this 24-minute DVD.

    Best Chemistry Databases


    hands in a chemistry lab


    Keep your initial search simple--save limits (such as date ranges, scholarly, English-language only, etc.) until you see the initial results list.

    Look for common database tools (suggested subject headings, abstracts, citation help, emailing and save options) on the edges of the page, often in a color bar above the search boxes or in a separate frame on the right or left of your results list.

    Examining a Scientific Study - WHY


    ·                     report results, usually experimental

    ·                     relate these results to previous knowledge in the field

    ·                     facilitate communications among scientists




    ·                     keep readers current with the latest research in field (Articles can be more up-to-date than books)

    ·                     model how a similar study might be done

    ·                     improve readers’ scientific writing skills (Lab papers are usually organized the same way as scientific journal articles. The more scientific writing is read, the better the reader’s own scientific writing skills become.)

    ·                     enable critical thinking (Raw data accompanies conclusions, so readers can decide for themselves.)

    ·                     find more useful resources for further research (The reference list can be used to find related sources.)

    ·                     develop a skill expected by employers in scientific & technical careers

    Journal of Chemical Education

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    HOW - Your Step-by-Step Guide

    Six-page PDF steps the reader through the common parts of any scientific study with follow-up questions to guide understanding.