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    Finding Biographies & Autobiographies

    As in most academic libraries, there is no "biography section" at CFCC.  We catalog biographies according to the Library of Congress call number system.

    This means that biographies are shelved with the SUBJECT for which the individual is famous.  Biographies of chemists will be in the "QD" section with the chemistry books, for example, and biographies of artists will be in in the "N" section with the art books. 

    For example, the biography of Maria Montessori, a famous early childhood innovator

    • Montessori : The Science Behind the Genius /  by Angeline Stoll Lillard

    is found in the "LB" section near other books about teaching young children. 

    AUTOBIOGRAPHIES (written by the subject of the book) and BIOGRAPHIES (written by someone else) are treated the same in the Library of Congress system.

    To look for biographies and autobiographies on a certain topic, combine the topic with the term "BIOGRAPHY."


    Biographies of Business Leaders