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Pharmacy Technician Resources

Print, video and electronic resources to support the Pharmacy Tech Program.
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  • Tips For Locating Pharmacy Tech articles ONLINE

    Try each of  the following  databases when searching for journal articles in Pharmacy Tech. Use a simple search strategy with only one or two key words, not an entire sentence. Place appropriate limits on your search such as : full text, English, peer reviewed or scholarly, dates, etc. If your search returns zero results, check your spelling and/or  remove some of the limits.

    Look for common database tools (suggested subject headings, abstracts, citation help, emailing and save options) on the edges of the page, often in a color bar above the search boxes or in a separate frame on the right or left of your results list.

    Journals, Magazines . . . What's the Difference?

    Telling a magazine from a journal isn't always simple. When your instructor has specified use of a journal resource, review or print this two-page guide to help you choose.

    ProQuest Central

    Questions about how to use ProQuest?  Take a look at these Helpful Videos.

    Google Scholar for Pharmacy Tech Articles and Books

    Google Scholar locates scholarly journal articles and books. Use the  search box below to find articles or books about Pharmacy Techs and Pharmacology. Enter your own key  words or use phrases in quotes  to customize your search.

    Google Scholar Search

    Lexicomp Online

    List of Print Pharmacy Tech Journals at CFCC

    In the list below, the journal titles in bold are currently received. Back issues are held for at least 5 years and some up to 10 years depending upon use, including those not currently received. Back issues are usually bound at the end of each year and are located with the current issues in the AH&N collection.

    Current issues will have a table of contents. Bound volumes include several issues and the spines of these volumes indicate which issues are included. Bound volumes may have Subject and/or Author indexes to help you locate articles within them. Browsing the contents of print periodicals in your field helps you stay current with issues and trends. Another way to locate articles in many journals is to use the library's electronic databases. See the adjacent box. However, some journal articles are not available electronically; and, some are only available through the publisher's site - free or for a fee.

    Ask a Reference Librarian for help in locating articles.


    1. Journal of Pharmacy Technology: JPT

    2. Medical Letter On Drugs and Therapeutics

    3. Pharmaceutical Technology

    4. Primary Care Drug Alerts

    Scholarly vs. Popular Articles

    Telling a magazine from a journal isn't always simple. 

    Periodical publications such as magazines, newspapers and journals vary in quality and depth of coverage. In your Pharmacy Tech classes, your instructor will usually want you to select articles from scholarly journals (sometimes called "refereed" or "peer-reviewed" journals). The video below offers some tips on how to tell a scholarly journal from a popular periodical. For more detail, try our guide to "Scholarly Journal or Magazine?"

    Scholarly Articles vs. Popular Magazine Articles

    Periodical publications such as magazines, newspapers and journals vary in quality and depth of coverage. Instructors will frequently want you to select articles from scholarly journals (sometimes called "refereed" or "peer-reviewed" journals, though the terms don't mean exactly the same thing).

    Click the image below to watch a short (3min) video on how to tell the difference between scholarly articles and popular magazine articles.

    For more detail, try our guide: