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Topic Ideas
- Would it be better to pay college athletes salaries rather than give them scholarships?
- Should we treat cable television companies like other utility company monopolies?
- Are ordinances, rental agreements, or HOA rules that restrict dog ownership by breed appropriate?
- Is it fair to charge extra to obese people for space-related things (events tickets, public transportation seats, etc)?
- Has the "Citizens United" Supreme Court ruling made politcal campaigns more or less democratic?
- Are anonymous blog posts or letters to the editor fair, or should you have to "own" your opinions?
- Should electronic vapor "cigarettes" be included in smoking bans?
- Is off-shore oil drilling right for North Carolina?
- Should biofuels be required in racing vehicles?
- Are mean girls really meaner than mean boys?
- Is mandatory attendance in college classes a good idea?
- Should states require inspection of vehicles?
- Are current education, exercise or medical benefits for prison inmates too generous?
- Is internet gambling more likely to cause addiciton than other types of gambling?
- Should K-12 students be paid to attend school and/or to receive good grades?
- What should be done about viral photos or videos & personal privacy?
- Is requiring service learning or volunteer hours in either K-12schools or colleges effective?
More Topic Ideas
- Is it a good idea to award college grants, scholarships, or loans only for "in demand" majors?
- Should we eliminate senior citizen discounts in favor of discounts for young people, or should we require proof of financial need?
- How should we balance sport fishing interests vs commercial fishing interests?
- Can workplaces craft fair rules & regulations about tattoos?
- Are wind farms in the best interests of North Carolina?
- Should states or counties offer film production incentives?
- Which business practices of quick cash or payday loan businesses should be regulated?
- What is the role of lawsuits in the fashion industry - what can or cannot be trademarked?
- Should non-profit organizations be allowed to use contributions to sue other non-profits?
- Are facilities with mixed public and private ownership (such as convention centers, parking decks or sports stadiums) a good idea?
- Are current IRS tax rules for reporting tip income fair?
- What laws, ordinances, or policies should govern skateboarding?
- How do minimum wage issues vary in the US vs other industrialized countries?
- Should soft drink, candy & snack food sales in schools be restricted?
- Beach sand renourishment - should it be done; if so, who should pay?
- Will charging parents of obese students with child neglect help or hurt children?
- Are companies taking advantage of unpaid internships while offering no real training?
- Should minimum computer skills be college prerequisities (similar to reading, writing and math prerequisites)?
Even More Topic Ideas
- Are "opt out" or "opt in" privacy settings for social networking sites better for users?
- How real is reality tv?
- Is the Mars expedition & other space exploration a waste of money and talent?
- Should there be smoke free beaches?
- Do 100% online college degrees provide the same quality graduates as face to face or mixed programs?
- Does the news include too many entertainment and sensational stories vs useful news?
- Should non-traditional languages (Farsi, Urdu, Mandarin, Arabic, Hindi) be offered at publicly funded high schools & colleges?
- Should convicted felons lose their voting rights for life?
- Do Americans have an anti-science bias?
- Are we afraid of the wrong things - do we misunderstand personal risk?
- What is the real relationship of wealth to happiness?
- Are labor saving devices always a good innovation?
- Should job postings that prohibit unemployed persons from applying be permitted ?
- What should parents of young children do about fantasy beliefs such as Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, & ghosts?
- Who should regulate how thin fashion models can be in an attempt to reduce eating disorders?
- Are there justifications for requiring fine arts courses for all students in K-12 or higher education?
- Would substituting public ridicule or corporal punishment for jail time for some nonviolent crimes be a good idea?