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COM 231- Dr. Stephens

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  • Citing Sources

    Your instructor has selected the MLA format for citing your sources.  Most articles from CFCC Library databases will include citation help screens where you can copy the MLA citation for that article and paste it into your work.  Always check for accuracy.

    Need citation help for books, movies, websites or less common resources such as personal interviews? Visit our citation guide:

    Help at the CFCC Reference Desk

    Downtown CFCC Library

    Come In - Library Hours

    Call - 910-362-7034

    Click - Email

    • Suggesting specific CFCC reference books—as well as any special searching strategies for their indexes—which might contain answers to a particular question
    • Teaching use of the catalog, including its advanced features, or recommending alternative search terms—especially Library of Congress subject headings
    • Compiling a list of books on a particular subject or by a particular author
    • Taking the user directly to the shelves for browsing, or finding an item that isn’t where it’s supposed to be
    • Helping with selection of the best CFCC subscription databases for a particular project or paper and access tips from on or off-campus
    • Placing an item “request,” which prevents the current borrower from renewing the item and notifies the next borrower as soon as the item is returned
    • Requesting an interlibrary loan of books or journal articles from other cooperating libraries anywhere in the world
    • Recommending reliable web sites and giving advice about evaluating the reliability of the information on the open Internet

    Library Help--When the Library is Closed

    • Follow the “Research Guides” link to see suggested search strategies for your academic program, or for general topics such as avoiding plagiarism or evaluating web resources


    • Choose “Ask a Librarian” to email your question to the CFCC Reference staff


    • Can’t wait for an answer? The “NC Knows” link takes you into a live chat with a research librarian who will help with your question and forward it on to CFCC for follow-up the next business day if you would like.