Sonfield, Matthew C. "Ethnic Minority Businesses and Targeted Assistance Programs in the US and the UK." Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, vol. 21, no. 2, 2014, pp. 199-211. ProQuestThe purpose of this paper is to focus on the current status and the development of ethnic minority businesses in the USA and in the UK. Comparing the two countries' past, current, and likely future situations and recognizing that each situation offers some lessons to the other, implications for minority business owners and for those who assist or study such businesses in each country are presented. Practitioners, consultants, and researchers in both the USA and the UK face considerable regulatory, demographic and other challenges and opportunities over the coming years with regard to the status and progress of minority-owned businesses and the appropriate nature of public and private policies and programs to foster and assist such businesses. Each country can benefit from the other's experience, as discussed and explained in this paper.