College libraries differ somewhat in what is included in their library catalog.
Use the CFCC "catalog" tab to find:
Look elsewhere for:
This short video (~1min) will teach you some search strategies to help you get the best results.
The Keyword you choose to search may or may not be a Library of Congress Subject Heading.
For example:
United States -- Foreign economic relations -- more than 40 relevant resources found.
Want more help with the Library of Congress Classification System?
CFCC Library of Congress PDF
Truncation allows you to search variables of a word by typing part of the word plus an asterisk *
ADOPT finds just adopt, but ADOPT* finds adopted, adopting, adoptions, etc.
WOMAN finds just woman, but WOM*N finds woman and women.
Enclose your words in quotation marks to create a phrase search.
CHILDREN OF MEN finds 90 titles with some combination of those words
"CHILDREN OF MEN" finds only the book and movie with that exact title.